Coffee corner

    Coffee, bun or cake!

    Coffee corner offers brewed coffee, latte, cappuccino or why not a good cup of tea.

    Psst! Did you know that our coffee is 100% sustainable and certified by Fairtrade, UTZ and Rainforest Alliance?

    Menu Coffee Corner

    29 kr
    25 kr
    40 kr


    1 fruit
    10 kr
    3 fruits
    25 kr

    Hot beverages

    35/39 kr
    35 kr
    44 kr
    Café Latte
    46 kr
    32 kr
    36 kr


    Hot chocolate with whipped cream
    45 kr

    Cold beverages

    Loka (PET)
    30 kr


    Are you allergic or intolerant to anything? In all places where we serve food, there are binders with information about the ingredients in the food we serve. Ask the staff to have a look at the binders if you need more information.

    Vegetarian or vegan?

    All our restaurants and kiosks offer vegetarian and vegan food. Here you can read more about all the food you can choose at Gröna Lund.

    Buy your ticket! 🙌

    Get ready for your experience - buy your tickets today!