Grönan Live 2024
Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson, den ikoniske sångaren i Iron Maiden, släpper sitt sjunde soloalbum ”The Mandrake Project” i början av 2024 - hans första soloplatta sedan ”Tyranny Of Souls” från 2005. Albumets första singel ”Afterglow” kommer redan 1 december och beskrivs som en dramatisk och episk låt som passar både musiken och narrativet till det nya albumet.
“It was important to set the tone of the project with this track. As befitting its title, it’s a heavy song and there’s a great big riff driving it…but there’s also a real melody in the chorus that displays the light and shade that the rest of the album brings… and just wait until you see the video!”, säger Bruce Dickinson.
Albumsläppet följs upp med en stor turné där han tar med sig sitt fenomenala band bestående av Roy Z (gitarr), Dave Moreno (trummor), Tanya O’Callaghan (bas) och Mistheria (keyboard).
“This album has been a very personal journey for me and I am extremely proud of it. Roy Z and I have been planning, writing and recording it for years, and I am very excited for people to finally hear it. I’m even more excited at the prospect of getting out on the road with this amazing band that we have put together, to be able to bring it to life. As you can see, we’re playing as many shows as we can, in as many places as possible, for as many people as we can!”, säger Bruce Dickinson.
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